My project is about an innovation. I choose to build a car for my project. there were struggles that I had to build this car and there were easier times when I had to build the car. My struggles were to get the right materials I need time to build my car. Another struggle that I had was that I didn't have a partner so I had to work by myself and to think hard to on what I will plan to build my car. I was off task most of the time but I didn't give up on my goal to get a good grade for my projects that I will be given.
I had some of my friends that gave me ideas on how I should start on building the car and I had a teacher that helped me as well. I accomplished my car by observing others projects to gather ideas on how I could get all my materials ready to build my car and use the ideas that I gathered from others ad use those ideas to reach my goal on building my car. It was kind of hard to get the materials that I need and tasty on task but I never gave up on doing the things I have to do to pass my project and this class. my first test that I did on my first car was bad because of the wheels. It did turn well ad the wheels were made out of boxes.
So I did some modifications on using straws for my wheels and marshmallow needle sticks to make my wheels roll a lot and add weight on top of the car using a water bottle that has water in it. the second modification that I did was a success and it went more farther than my first attempt on building my car. My name is Devin-kylen Oliva and this is my innovation project.